While it may not seem so, if you are low in self-confidence, I strongly believe that you can do things to increase your self-confidence. It is not genetic, and you do not have to be reliant on others to increase your self-confidence. And if you believe that you are not very competent, not very smart, not very attractive, etc. … that can be changed. Here are the awesome ways to boast your confidence. Learning is a Good Thing, so sign up for that evening class and enjoy it. Get out of your own head by asking your partner or best friend what you can do for them today. Hit the gym. The physiological effects will leave you feeling great. Go to a networking event and focus on how you can be helpful to other people rather than being nervous about your own stuff. Get crystal clear on the things that truly matter to you. If they’re not in your life, you need to bring them in. Write a list of the things you’re tolerating and pu...
As medical technology advances, surgeons are becoming better and better at making breast implants look “natural.” Some women may have implants and yet show no signs that the surgery took place. Other times, however, it is possible to tell, usually if the surgery recently took place.Getting your body cut open always takes time to heal, and therefore, there is a time window that permits the easier identification of whether or not a woman had surgery done. The more time that passes, however, the more difficult it is to find signs showing that a woman has breast implants.Here are 10 ways to spot breast implants. Keep your eyes peeled, but remember: it’s rude to blatantly stare, so be discreet and try to keep the drooling at a minimum
10. Symmetry

9. Fakes are too high up
Gravity: it’s not only an academy award winning film; it’s also a
force. It affects everything on Earth including women’s breasts. A
natural woman’s breast will somewhat sag, and sometimes sag a lot
depending on the woman, her age and the size of her breast. However,
slight sagging is common for all women- there is a reason why bras were
Breast implants, on the other hand, are placed into the breast too
high so that they will eventually sag into the proper place in the
breast. This process normally takes four to six months for all of the
implant to fall into its permanent place.8. Shape

7. Scars
If a woman decided to get her breast implant surgery done by a cheaper surgeon, or perhaps a less experienced surgeon, she may have some permanent scarring from the process that will show where the surgeons made the incisions.If she instead opted for a better surgeon, the scars will only be temporary, but will still show regardless. Whatever the case, seeing scarred tissue along the breasts should give you some warning bells signaling that perhaps what you are looking at is not real.
6. Spacing

5. Feeling

4. Fall Line

3. Side View

2. Outline

1. Weight Ratio
The human body is ingenious: fat cells are specifically designed to
be efficient and not waste any of the body’s energy. They are located
all over the body, and expand as fat is stored (as opposed to
multiplying). If an area contains more fat cells, the body will thus
store more fat there.As breasts are mainly fat, one of the first places women gain weight
is in their breasts. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, larger
women have larger breasts and skinnier women have smaller breasts.
Though it is possible for skinnier women to have larger breasts and
large women to have smaller breasts, statistically, it is very unlikely.
The woman’s body weight ratio is thus a big clue as to whether her
breasts are real or fake.
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