While it may not seem so, if you are low in self-confidence, I strongly believe that you can do things to increase your self-confidence. It is not genetic, and you do not have to be reliant on others to increase your self-confidence. And if you believe that you are not very competent, not very smart, not very attractive, etc. … that can be changed. Here are the awesome ways to boast your confidence. Learning is a Good Thing, so sign up for that evening class and enjoy it. Get out of your own head by asking your partner or best friend what you can do for them today. Hit the gym. The physiological effects will leave you feeling great. Go to a networking event and focus on how you can be helpful to other people rather than being nervous about your own stuff. Get crystal clear on the things that truly matter to you. If they’re not in your life, you need to bring them in. Write a list of the things you’re tolerating and pu...
Are you hoping a special girl likes you, but don’t know how to tell if she is really interested in you? Are you looking for hints to tell you what she's thinking? What does it mean when she keeps touching her hair? This article provides 26 things to look for to help you decide if a girl likes you.
26 Ways to Know If a Girl Likes You
The Sign
1. She likes talking to you.
She's eager to have a conversation and stays engaged with you once she's comfortable.
2. She laughs at what you say.
Belly laughs are better than giggles, and it's even better when you're both laughing together.
3. She's afraid to meet your eyes.
girls are afraid to be caught looking at you if they like you. (Others
might confidently meet your gaze—watch to see if her pupils are dilated.
4. She notices you.
This might take different forms depending on the girl and the situation.
5. She licks her lips.
This is, of course, especially significant if it's not hot out.
6. She smiles at you.
It should be one of those real smiles — the one that makes her eyes crinkle up.
7. She doesn't like you flirting with other girls.
She may react openly, or she might just slip away so she doesn't have to watch.
8. She hugs you.
This could take many forms, but just notice if she's trying to get close to you.
9. She touches you.
Maybe she lightly hits you or touches your clothing.
10. Her friends give you clues that she like you.
for their reactions like giggling or sudden silence if you approach, or
notice if they ask you what you think about their friend.
11. She seeks you out to talk to.
Maybe she lingers around you when other people are leaving.
12. She develops interests in your interests.
Has she started listening to your favorite music, or watching your favorite sports teams?
13. She blushes around you.
This happens not once, but many times.
14. She plays with her hair around you.
This could be an unconscious sign that she's imagining you playing with her hair.
15. She bumps into you frequently.
This could be a sign that she wants you to start a conversation with her.
16. She shows off her body.
Does her posture or clothing seem to indicate that she's looking for your attention?
17. Her arms are relaxed or wide when she's talking to you.
Crossed arms is a sign of being closed off.
18. She breaks away from conversations with her friends to talk to you.
This is a great sign that she's into you.
19. She compliments you when you're looking good.
If she notices how you're dressed or changes in your clothing, it's a good bet she likes you.
20. She hints that she's single.
Or she might ask you if you are single.
21. She's down to hang out.
She says yes quickly if you suggest plans and might even suggest plans of her own.
22. She opens up to you.
If she's telling you about problems she doesn't usually talk about, that shows she trusts you a lot.
23. She talks about doing something in the future with you.
Maybe she mentions seeing a movie or a show in a month or so. You're on her mind!
24. She follows you online and likes your posts.
If she's posting stuff and tagging you in it, that's definitely a good sign.
25. She puts away her phone when she's with you.
This shows she's trying to give you her full attention.
26. You text frequently.
If you're texting regularly, and she's initiating too, then she probably likes you. Especially if you're texting at night.
1. She Likes to Talk to You
a conversation with her. If she is happy to chat with you, that's a
good sign. Some couples just click from the time they start talking and
can talk for hours.
If she's nervous, she might have trouble speaking up. Give her a chance to become comfortable with you. Ask her questions and wait for her to answer. She might need some time to collect her thoughts. The danger signs are if she looks bored or simply answers your questions with a shrug. Or, even worse, if she grabs hold of a passing friend and allows herself to be dragged away. 2. She Laughs at What You Say
If a girl likes you, she'll laugh in all the right places.
Others around you think you're both crazy, but the hearty chuckles make perfectly good sense to the two of you. 3. Something Interesting Happens When Your Eyes Meet
girl who likes you may shy away from looking at you directly. If your
gaze meets, she blinks and turns her eyes away. She is not comfortable
being caught looking at you. This kind of girl won't want to be seen as
'chasing' you. She waits for you to make the first move and approach
But some women speak through their eyes. Lucky you if your gaze connects with a woman whose eyes sparkle and invite you to come and say hello. A confident girl will directly hold your attention for longer than you'd expect before looking away. If you're making extended eye contact with a woman, that is definitely a positive signal. 4. She Notices You
girl who really likes you will at least acknowledge that you exist.
Even if she's extremely shy, she'll find a way to let you know that she
knows you're there.
If a girl completely ignores you, she has no interest in you. But is she really ignoring you, or is she sending you a quiet message that's she's noticed you but doesn't know how to react? Here's some examples of how a girl who likes you might behave if she's really shy:
Watch her body language to tell if a girl likes you. Touching her neck or hair could be an unconscious sign that she likes you.
5. She Licks Her Lips
sure you'd like to think that licking her lips is an action that should
be interpreted to mean she'd love to kiss you. And yes, she might be
dreaming about you kissing her. But don't get too excited just yet.
Licking her lips could simply be a sign of a dry mouth. But you have to wonder—why is her mouth so dry? If it is not an incredibly hot day and she's not just finished running a marathon, I'm guessing she's nervous. So there's a good chance she likes you. 6. She Smiles at You
girl who smiles at you, likes you. There's occasionally exceptions to
this rule, like the girl who hopes to win some kind of popularity
contest and smiles at everyone. But most girls don't bother smiling at
someone they don't like.
A shy girl might not grin widely. Her smiles may be brief, but she certainly looks pleased to see you. Sometimes her smile is more in her eyes, rather than plastered on her face. 7. She Doesn't Like You Flirting With Other Girls
girl who likes you will be uncomfortable if you flirt with other girls.
Nobody likes competition. She might react openly, or may just slip away
so she doesn't have to watch you giving another girl attention.
Be warned before you flirt with other girls that it might backfire. If you seem to fancy yourself as a ladies' man, she might lose interest in you. How can she trust a boyfriend who is quick to flirt with other girls? 8. She Hugs You
she hug you at every opportunity? We only hug people we like. Hugging
you could be an excuse to get closer to you and experience the feel of
your body.
Perhaps she likes you but can't tell you with words. It may be easier for her to use other strategies like hugging you and making herself very close to you. Hugs come in different forms. Some girls just wrap themselves around boys they like. It can be a welcoming hug when you cross paths in the street or at the mall. But other girls are more likely to wrap a soothing arm around your shoulder. For instance, if you are seated and struggling with a problem on your computer. She may lean over and give you a shoulder hug, reassuring you that you can solve the problem. 9. She Finds Ways or Excuses to Touch You
will always find many excuses to touch you or feel your body. Does she
touch you when she is sitting next to you? That's a clear hint she's
attracted to you. She wants to come closer to you and there is no better
way or method for her than touching you on the arms or the hair.
She may pretend to remove an imaginary thing from your arm or hair. Perhaps she brushes crumbs from your chest. Some girls give light-hearted slaps. Others grab your arm with excitement. If she's touching you, she likes you. 10. Her Friends Give Clues That She Likes You
best friends will know if she likes you. Look to them for clues. What
do her friends do when you are around? How does she react with her
Does she like you? Look for clues. How she responds to you will tell you if she likes you or not.
16 More Hints a Girl Likes You
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